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Just over a year after the U.S. government placed restrictions on China’s Huawei, the ongoing economic rivalry between the two countries has found a new target. For weeks the Trump […]

Building transnational attribution: sharing data and determining state-sponsorship (IGP workshop synopsis: Day 2)
This blog, the second of three parts, is a preliminary look at Day 2 of the Internet Governance Project’s (IGP) 5th Annual Workshop on “Building transnational cyber-attribution”. The workshop virtually […]

什么加速器可伡看油管 _ 趣事百科:2021-2-4 · 什么加速器可伡看油管?推特加速器,但是目前都被禁止了。 什么人需要使用油管加速器 游戏党 在索尼PS4,微软Xbox Live、Steam、 和其它PC游戏如战地,黑沙,彩虹魔兽世界等游戏上享受低延迟的畅玩体验. 影视党
This has been a grim week for the Internet. While nothing in the following article will be news to anyone who follows Internet governance, it is worthwhile to look at […]

Facebook sues NameCheap: Sooo Sad for SSAD
More than a year ago, ICANN adopted a policy that redacted sensitive domain name registration data from public view to bring Whois into compliance with GDPR. The key data elements shielded […]


The Hidden Standards War: Economic Factors Affecting IPv6 Deployment

Sovereign RUnet: What Does it Mean?

Trade Regimes as a Tool for Cyber Policy
